Expanding the farm-to-table experience beyond standard plated dining, Field Table is an approachable triangulation of the modern food scene brought to life on Madison’s Capitol Square.


As a native Madisonian, pop-soul artist Madison Malone credits her self-proclaimed “hipsters from the 80s” parents giving her an inquisitive nature and a fierce independence.

Illuminating Change

Illuminating Change

By Rachel Werner | photographed by Kaia Calhoun Madison artist Jenie Gao was horrified when she heard about the woman attacked, raped and left for dead on the Capital…

Fight Club

Fight Club

By Rachel Werner | Photographed by Josh Witzel Want to punch up your workouts? Canvas Club Boxing can set you up in one of the club’s…

Shop Talk

By Rachel Werner | Photographed by Jost Witzel Pinterest aficionado and entrepreneur Heather McCartney has turned her one-time hobby into a thriving business at…