Fight Club

Get Fierce at Canvas Club Boxing
By Rachel Werner | Photographed by Josh Witzel

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 2.20.03 PMWant to punch up your workouts? Canvas Club Boxing can set you up in one of the club’s fitness and technique classes aimed at getting members ripped—and adept at sparring.

The boutique gym is the latest addition to Madison’s eclectic Monroe Street neighborhood. And it’s a clever expansion of Harbor Athletic Club’s offerings, created by co-owners and siblings Sara Johnson, Melissa Ernst and John Ernst.

Participants learn how to throw cross hooks, uppercuts and a variety of punch combinations in 12 three-minute rounds. The Upstart Shadowbox class format is meant for newbies, or as Melissa Ernst says “boxers in training.” Clientele can also opt for 75-minute personalized sessions with retired professional boxer Leo Morel.

Ernst says the workout design is versatile, “It’s a fusion of mental and physical components. Had a bad day at work? Come work it out in the ring.” Time to glove up—and hit it hard!

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