Staying Vigilant About Your Breast Health

four breast cancer survivors share their story

Chances are you have a friend, family member or loved one that is a breast cancer survivor. The average risk that a woman will develop breast cancer in her lifetime is about 13%. The latest stats also show us that roughly 50% of breast cancers occur in women that have no specific risk factors other than sex and age (WHO). But there’s good news: When caught in its earliest, localized stages, the five-year relative survival rate is 99%, reports the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Read on for breast cancer survivor stories and how to stay on top of your own breast health. 

Social Media and Cancer Survivorship

A fortuitous connection on social media helped Larissa Anderson discover her breast cancer, and she’s using her experience and her virtual community to make a difference for other women.

Read more. 

The Rare Survivors: Studying Metastatic Breast Cancer

UW Health oncologist Dr. Mark Burkard has spent the past several years researching what he hopes will shed more light on an incurable form of cancer: metastatic breast cancer.

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Early Action is Key in Treating Breast Cancer

We asked a few SSM Health providers and two of their cancer patients to share their stories — and a little advice — with us. The good news? The sooner you act, the better your chances of a positive outcome.

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The After-Effects of Breast Cancer

Many cancer survivors say the disease doesn’t end with the treatment, as they attempt to return back to “normal” life.

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Two Women Thriving After Breast Cancer

A breast cancer diagnosis helped two Madison area women zero in on life’s gifts. Both say surviving cancer changed their lives for the better.

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Why You Might Need a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

Stoughton Health explains the importance of the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment, a free service offered for women.

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What You Should Know About Cancer

SSM Health providers discuss screenings, diagnosis and treatments.

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There’s a Screening For That

Your primer on keeping up with preventive health screenings.

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