Culinary Mementos

What began as “just a hobby” completely exploded within a year to over 4,000 Instagram followers for Epicurean Chronicles and a Madison foodie sensation.

Angels Loving Care

After earning her master’s degree in health administration, Julie Nowak launched her own caregiving business, Angels Loving Care, in 2014, and has seen the enterprise grow like wildfire.

Fill’er Up

A stop at Trixie’s Growlers to go-go on East Washington should be on the radar of any craft beer enthusiast. A liquor store since 1968, Colleen and Chris Welch opened Trixie’s about seven years ago, and the tavern room more recently.


Most would be hard-pressed to find a positive spin in a breast cancer diagnosis, but Colleen Hayes, who was diagnosed this past spring, regularly thinks about how lucky she is.