By Lisa Bauer | Photography by Hillary Schave
2016 Housing and Shelter outcomes:
- 702 people—323 adults and 379 children—were served in YWCA housing programs.
- 89 percent of households in YWCA housing programs maintained housing for one year or moved to other permanent housing.
- 92 percent of households receiving case management achieved at least one significant goal in addition to housing.
- 88 percent of households from House-ability, Second Chance Apartment Project and Third Street maintained or increased self-sufficiency.
- 163 participants identified themselves as survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault.
- 181 participants identified themselves as having a mental illness.
2016 Race and Gender Equity Outcomes:
- 2,906 people were served in equity programs.
- 1,563 people, 1,460 youth and 103 adults, were served by Restorative Justice.
- 84 percent of students said restorative justice was helpful in resolving the problem and 72 percent said they had a better understanding of why the problem happened after having a restorative justice circle.
- Restorative Justice program was held in 13 schools within five school districts and four community sites.
- 91 percent of Summit participants plan to or have talked with their colleagues at work about the racial/cultural climate in their organization.
- 99 percent of Summit participants spent time looking at their own attitudes and behaviors as they contribute to or combat racism.
- 92 percent of Moxie Conference survey respondents said they were inspired to work toward and identify their own personal leadership journey.
2015 Job Training and Transportation:
- 385 people participated in programs.
- 66 percent of 2015 Construct-U graduates found or improved employment.
- 88 percent of driving customer service program participants graduated with increased customer service skills.
- 84 percent of YWeb Career Academy students graduated with increased technical skills, and 62 percent went on to a paid internship or permanent employment.
- 50 program participants in our Driver’s License Recovery Program reinstated their driver’s license.
- 176 unique riders obtained rides through YW Transit.
- 19,931 job rides and 6,998 sexual assault prevention rides were provided through YW Transit in 2016.
Celebrate these significant gains and more at the 2018 Circle of Women event on Feb.22.
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