Health Coach Jen Rudis’ Top Reads

By Laura Anne Bird | Photographed By Hillary Schave

Jen Rudis understands that life can be a roller coaster. After losing 125 pounds a few years ago, she was inspired to leave her corporate human resources and finance career and start her own company to “feed all the pieces of our wellbeing puzzle.”

At Jenerate Wellness, Rudis teaches clients to “gravitate to where their energy feels good.” She offers personalized nutrition and weight-loss coaching, along with infrared sauna therapy and a tea bar. “Our wellbeing is not just a number on a scale,” she says. “It’s the food we eat, our activities, our stress and our relationships. I encourage clients to surround themselves with a winning team because it’s the best fuel.”

Certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Rudis motivates clients to be as ambitious as possible. “Why did you walk in my door? What is your empty space?” she asks them. “I’m not just here to help you lose 10 pounds. I’m here to help you make a bigger transformation.”

As she takes care of her clients (and herself), Rudis turns to three well-loved books for guidance.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

For this classic, first published in 1937, Hill researched 40 millionaires to determine why they were successful. Rudis says money-making is not the point: It’s about setting goals, crafting a plan and revisiting our intentions daily—which relates directly to wellbeing. “When you lose track of yourself, this book brings you back.”

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Rudis has been reading—and re-reading—this book for more than 10 years. Rhonda Byrne’s ideas about the laws of attraction have been translated into 50 languages, and Rudis says they are mesmerizing. “We can fill our personal cups and bring value to our lives by surrounding ourselves with positive people.”

DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online by Russell Brunson

As she continues to grow her business, Rudis turns to this “amazing” book for tips on being more reachable to the people she wants to serve. “To be a go-giver, you have to get others to trust and like you,” she says. “I’m getting better at finding them so they can find me.”

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