For Today's Jobs
By Emma Whitford

The 9-to-5 job is so last century. Today’s careers are broad and flexible, and so are their titles.

Companies use creative job titles to attract better talent and to satisfy ambitious employees, as well as to create entirely new positions. Recently, websites Forbes and Monster released lists of some of the most creative new job titles of 2016. But what exactly is a “project meanie” or a “cloud architect?”—Read on.

Growth Hacker: Creates and tests new advertising methods to predict and encourage company growth.
What it really is: A low-cost substitute for a marketing department.

Project Meanie: Keeps others on task and ensures that projects are completed on time.
What it really is: You get paid to boss people around.

Genius: Coined by Apple, the Genius is a resource for product support and advice.
What it really is: Plain ’ol tech support.

Customer Happiness Advocate: Answers customer complaints, remedies them and monitors customer feedback.
What it really is: The modern-day complaints department employee.

V.P. of Miscellaneous Stuff: A jack-of-all-trades position. By definition, the V.P. of Miscellaneous Stuff “does a little bit of everything.”
What it really is: Next in line under the President of Miscellaneous Stuff.

Director of Ethical Hacking: Finds glitches in a company’s web applications to make them as secure as possible.
What it really is: An undercover agent for online security networks (the good kind).

Director of First Impressions: Welcomes guests, ensures that customers are comfortable and directs incoming phone calls.
What it really is: A receptionist.

Cloud Architect: Manages company web data, mail, internet and online files in the online “cloud.”
What it really is: The same person who organized all of those file cabinets, but now – online.

Check out BRAVA’s stories on female entrepreneurs in the August edition and online.

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