sleep, mattress

Hot Racks

Trends in Mattress Design
By Marni McEntee

Mattress designs and materials are evolving even as we speak. Adjustable bases to ease snoring or raise legs are in vogue. Gel memory foam promises less bounce than a traditional mattress. And smart beds read your sleep patterns and can even wake you at the best time for optimum rest, says Cory Cunningham, manager of Verlo Mattress in Madison. And, if you’re looking to sleep clean, a natural, organic latex mattress—and pillow—may make your sleep dreams come true, says Sue Brown, co-owner of Satara Home & Baby in Middleton.

Here are some general guidelines from Cunningham and Brown:

Natural latex mattress: Satara’s are free of potentially toxic chemical flame retardants, which is a relief to many health-conscious consumers, Brown says. The latex comes from an actual rubber tree and covers typically are organic cotton and wool—which is a natural flame retardant.

Traditional firm: Usually made of inner springs and foam, these may work best for stomach sleepers, Cunningham says.

Traditional plush: These are medium/firm mattresses and may work best for back sleepers, though some may prefer an even firmer mattress.

Traditional pillow top: These mattresses have an extra layer of fiber/foam sewn on top of the mattress for additional pressure point relief. They may be best for side sleepers. Verlo offers a two-sided pillow top that can be flipped regularly to extend its life.

Gel memory foam: Touted for being the most cooling variety, Cunningham says these also don’t have the bounce of traditional mattresses, so couples may sleep better together. And they last longer.

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