You are Not Alone: Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

By Susan Gloss

In my new novel, THE CURIOSITIES, one of the main characters struggles with infertility and the devastating loss of a baby born at just 22 weeks gestation.  Although the story is entirely fictional, it was inspired by the real-life pain that many couples endure when trying to have a family.

I know a little bit about that type of struggle. In addition to being an author, I’m also a lawyer and a mom to two young boys, born four years apart. In between the two healthy pregnancies that led to the birth of my sons, I had four miscarriages. A battery of tests revealed no answers and no medical advice beyond “just keep trying.” Other than my amazing husband, the thing that helped me through that time was connecting with others who were going through, or had gone through, similar struggles. Hearing their stories gave me strength and hope at a time when I felt very anxious and alone. Below are some resources that those experiencing pregnancy loss or infertility might find to be of help.

  • For those who have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss, I highly recommend the book Coming to Term by Jon Cohen. It explores the scientific research behind miscarriage and also shares stories of women and couples affected by it.
  • The Fertility Friend forums are a good place for women to connect with other women who are having trouble getting or staying pregnant. Access to the forums requires a paid subscription to the site, which lends an added level of privacy that some people will find valuable.
  • For in-person support, org, the website of the National Infertility Association, lists local meetings of support groups for those experiencing fertility problems, including groups in the Madison area.


Susan Gloss is the author of the novels “Vintage” and “The Curiosities”. Gloss will be reading from “The Curiosities” Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. at Boswell Books in Milwaukee, as well as Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. at the Central Public Library in Madison, and Feb. 16, at 1 p.m. at The Reader’s Loft in Green Bay.

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