What We’ve Been Up To: Part One

Sunny Frantz, food and product photographer and stylist

Sunny lives on the west side of Madison near Hilldale Shopping Center with her husband, teenage son and daughter, and dog, Pepper. Sunny specializes in photographing things like kitchenware, packaged and prepared foods, home goods and beauty products for clients.

What’s been your daily uniform?
My favorite outfit these days are my comfiest overalls and slippers.

What’s been a fun activity you’ve done at home?
Family baseball games in the driveway with a tennis ball and a bat that my husband (a plumber) made with PVC pipe. We’ve been doing a lot of baking and trying to get out for at least one long walk every day to make up for all the cookies we are eating.

Name the project you last worked on for BRAVA and what you liked about it.
Photographing several grain bowls from Forage Kitchen. They are so beautiful and delicious and were so much fun to photograph (and eat!) I recently saw that they started offering family-style dinners for take-out, which is such a great idea.

Tell us about your daily routine. How has it changed?
Our mornings are a lot less hectic now that the kids don’t have to be off to school so early. We go for a morning walk together and then each of us works on our own projects for a while. I work with some great clients who have been really flexible about allowing me to continue to work on projects for them on my own in my home studio and I’m so thankful for that.

Have you used any apps for health/wellness, or used any virtual programs to talk to friends and family? 
I’ve been using Zoom a little more. Tik Tok has also been a family favorite! 

What local businesses have you bought from or ordered takeout from during this time? 
Crescendo, Wildewood and Good Day Shop are a few local favorites we’ve shopped with online. My son turned 13 recently and we ordered his favorite dinner from Red Sushi. We are so glad that so many of our favorite restaurants are offering take out options.

What are you most looking forward to once gathering restrictions are taken away and businesses reopen?
I’m looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues again and being able to meet up in person at all the wonderful cafes and restaurants we are so lucky to have in Madison.

Shown in Sunny’s image: “I’m holding some toaster tarts I made after attending a Zoom class with local baker Shawn Bolduc. His business is The Baked Lab, and we learned how to make puff pastry, which was really fun.”

Shanna Wolf, stylist and photographer

Shanna lives in the Westmorland neighborhood with her partner, Chris, and their dog, Elroy. Shanna specializes in corporate branding photography, interior and architectural photography and editorial photography for other local and regional magazines—including BRAVA’s sister magazine, Lakeshore Living.

What’s been your daily uniform?
James Perse jersey pants, a soft sweatshirt, baseball hat and Seavees scuff slippers.

What’s been a fun activity you’ve done at home?
I gave Elroy, our dog, a home groom. He was a good sport, [but] I have a lot to learn. Ha.

Name the project you last worked on for BRAVA and what you liked about it.
Curating and photographing items for the February 2020 issue’s Dwell section for the “Cozy & Chic” feature.

Tell us about your daily routine. How has it changed?
I’m trying to keep some structure, but I’m enjoying waking up with no alarm. I start the day slow with coffee and checking my inbox and the latest news, and then take a long smell walk with Elroy. I’m working on redeveloping my website so that’s been a good creative project for me, and it’s nice to have the time to go through the past year’s images. Otherwise I’m trying to spend as much time outside as I can—we’ve been enjoying our neighborhood parks like Wingra and Hoyt parks, and hiking our state parks (before they were closed). 

What local businesses have you bought from or ordered takeout from during this time?
We’ve had weekly meal kits delivered as well as ordered extra farm-to-freezer meals from Pasture & Plenty, had treats from the Bloom Bake Shop treat window, and supporting Food Fight restaurants offering delivery. I also had my car detailed with Bob’s Auto Detailing since I haven’t been needing my car much—he did an exterior ceramic coating that should last for years. Plus, he came to the house to pick up the car and used proper cleaning and handling methods.

What are you most looking forward to once gathering restrictions are taken away and businesses reopen?
Visiting the outdoor gardens at Olbrich Botanical Gardens, shopping for new frames at Ulla Eyewear and reading in the quiet room at the new Pinney library.

Shown in Shanna’s image: “Attached is a picture of Elroy and I taken on March 30 (his birthday) doing chalk art.”


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