Ways to Give Back on Giving Tuesday

heart, Giving Tuesday

By Shayna Mace | Image Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

While you’re shopping for friends and family, don’t forget to add a local nonprofit to your list if you’re able this holiday season. Although we have plenty of nonprofits that are worthy to donate to, here are just a few we’ve written about recently at BRAVA.


Dedicated to providing end-of-life care, donating to Agrace helps clients “who don’t have health insurance, who are too young for Medicare and those who have spent their savings on expensive medical treatment — and have no money left for end-of-life care.” Donations also support other areas, including respite care and support services. agrace.org/donate

Community Shares of Wisconsin

If you like donating to social justice nonprofits, Community Shares of Wisconsin works with 70 organizations that support environmental causes, housing advocacy, criminal justice reform and more. On their easy donation page, you can simply click a nonprofit from their drop-down list to give to — and select as many as you’d like based off of how much you’d like to donate. communityshares.com

Madison Reading Project

Through Dec. 10, donate books or money to the Madison Reading Project’s Community Book Drive. There are easy drop-off locations throughout the city or purchase a book from their Book Drive Wish List online. This local nonprofit distributes new and gently-used books to schools and other local organizations. madisonreadingproject.com 

Middleton Outreach Ministry

Works on creating food and housing security for West Madison, Middleton and Cross Plains. Donate food, clothing, home necessities and money. momhelps.org

The Road Home Dane County

Committed to ending family homelessness in Dane County, monetary donations help families with case worker support, rental and utility assistance, and more. trhome.org

NBC15 Share Your Holidays Fund and Food Drive

In conjunction with Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin, NBC15 is promoting this citywide food drive. Food donation barrels are set out now at various locations around Madison (see the map here). Or, donate money. Ten dollars provides 25 meals! secondharvestmadison.org/syh

United Way of Dane County

United Way supports a breadth of community needs, from education to housing to equity. Their focus on “big-picture” issues means that they work with a number of local organizations to tackle problems for lasting change. unitedwaydanecounty.org

The Village Diaper Bank

Did you know that public assistance benefits (SNAP and WIC) don’t cover diapers? This local nonprofit works with partner organizations to distribute diapers to nonprofits and food pantries so that no baby or toddler goes without this essential health care need. villagediaperbank.org

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