Unveiling Our Authentic Selves

Certified Coach Sarah Young Leads the Way
By Elle Duncombe-Mills | Photographed by Josh Mallett

Every gal knows the feeling: Even when that exceptionally uncomfortable pair of underwear bunches, pinches and restricts, you just continue to wear them day in and day out—but why?

Certified coach Sarah Young of Zing Collaborative, BRAVA’s THRIVE Luncheon speaker in November, discussed how to shed these painful metaphoric panties once and for all. Ridding yourself of things that don’t serve your authentic being, Young says, is the key to leading a healthy and happy life.

The first step, while simple, is perhaps the most difficult for many women. Young encouraged participants to ask themselves the hard questions: “What is true for me? Who am I? What matters? Who do I want to be? What do I value? Just like the “you are here” point on a map, answers to these questions serve as a ground zero for your authentic self.

Young shared a personal discovery: a core part of her authentic self is her compassion, and identifying this was a crucial step in discovering her life’s purpose.

She says, “once we understand these values, we can then go out into the world and make an impact.”

After digging deep within yourself, the second task is to look externally at your “tribe.”

Using a quote by motivational speaker Jim Rohn to great effect, Young pointed out that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So it’s a good idea to determine whether your friends raise or lower your average.

The third step focuses on consumption. Young recommends reflecting on your amount of screen time and investigating whether that daily Pinterest binge truly serves as inspiration. Rather than looking outward for content you can imitate, choose to look inward for true and authentic inspiration.

Once you’ve identified inauthentic aspects of your life, the fourth step is to make some changes. So cut off those pesky pinching panties, and distance yourself from faux friendships.

Young says to “take accountability for creating a difference.”

The fifth step gives you some additional things to work on: first, no drunk plans. In other words, no more fake promises like “we’ll get coffee sometime”—if you make a plan, follow through. Second, no more denying your superwoman status. And finally, stop saying you’re sorry—unless you really need to apologize.

All in all, Young lived up to her self-described title of “chief impact catalyst,” and attendees left the luncheon with the tools to make changes that serve their authentic selves.

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