A Summer Outing

Cancer Survivors & Thrivers Ice Cream Social

Turville Bay MRI & Radiation Oncology Center’s sweeping views of Lake Monona make a relaxing setting for the 2018 Cancer Survivors & Thrivers Ice Cream Social. The healthcare technology facility is hosting the free event for its eight year in honor of the individuals, families and their loved ones whom have been touched by cancer.

This year’s guests will gather under big white canopies, enjoy 10 flavors of Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream and listen to live music by Westside Andy. Tours of Turville Bay’s Healing Garden and of the center will also be available by request. And the doctors and staff look forward to this event as much as those that attend. “It’s a fun time to get together to enjoy life and celebrate cancer survivorship,” says medical director and radiation oncologist Dr. Michelle Mackay.

Radiation oncologist Dr. James Richardson also adds, “It’s our shared experiences that make this event so special. It’s a chance to be informal, get to know one another and see that good things do come out of cancer treatment.”

For more information, visit turvillebay.com or call 800-735-6868.

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