No Time to Waffle


WEEKENDS ARE FOR WAFFLES. And so my family and I find ourselves trekking out to New Glarus, that snug little Swiss-themed town just over the Green County line, for Cow & Quince’s waffles with substance.

These are not your ordinary Eggo variety, or even your super fluffy Sunday brunch buffet waffle cakes. Nope. These are dense, chewy Liege-style waffles, with a crusty caramelized crunch around the edges created by secret ingredients: coarse sugar, folded in, and Spotted Cow beer for a yeasty waft.

Toppings are what’s fresh and seasonal, with several daily versions. You might find the Seasoned Traveler, a sweet indulgence covered with Nutella and house made grape jelly, or the hefty Pastured Pork Poutine. Our favorite came spread with squash butter and plentiful blue cheese, bacon and candied pecans. For waffle purists, straight up with syrup is something to love.

This, proprietor Lori Stern’s country-charmed café, tucked among downtown’s rows of old buildings, serves as a local lattice, a gathering place that showcases the area’s sustainable foods and artisan goods, all stocked in the pantry gift shop for you to savor.

–Kate Bast

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