Grab ‘n Go…Back for More!

By Rachel Werner | Photographed by Sunny Frantz

Lingering over a long meal isn’t always an option, but lack of time does not have to be an obstacle to savoring each bite. The Heights’ grab ’n go section is stocked with high-end products meant to ensure their customers leave satisfied whether dining in—or out. Co-owner Evan Gruzis shares five items that are worth the trip to replenish your pantry at home.

Bryant Family Farm Eggs: “These are the farm-fresh eggs we use in many of our dishes and offer by the dozen for purchase. They’re super flavorful, laid just west of Madison and the company is veteran-owned.”

WM Chocolate: “We feel that our values align with WM owner Will Marx. He lets his well-sourced single-origin cacao speak for itself. We also really wanted to feature his chocolate in our mocha!”

ORIGIN Breads: “This is really the best bread you can get in Madison, and the owner Kirk Smock lives nearby. We love working with our neighbors and having personal relationships with our purveyors.”

Cheese varietals: “We have an exceptional regional selection, featuring Wisconsin cheese companies such as Uplands, Landmark, Carr Valley and Hook’s. Of course, we also carry other varieties from Vermont to France!”

Underground Meats: “We can’t not mention our partners at Underground. We love that we can pair their exciting variety of salami and charcuterie with our wine list.”

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