Dale Kushner

Fictional Poetess
By Rachel Werner | Photographed by Kaia Calhoun

Instinctively drawn to writers who explore the inner lives of women, Dale Kushner’s debut novel “The Conditions of Love” is a lyrical coming of age tale.

What was your inspiration for your first book?

Having just finished my second novel, I understand more fully that the source and inspiration for my works is driven by my unconscious mind. I’m not the kind of writer that would say to herself, “Hmmm. That’s an interesting idea to write about.” I don’t go looking for material, but rather pay attention to what wells up in me, pulls my attention or obsesses me. It could be an idea, a sentence, or most likely for me, an image.

Do you prefer writing fiction or poetry?

I love both. I am a fiction writer with the heart and soul of a poet. I’m always looking to express the ineffable in a way that both tells a story and also sings. Language—the sound, texture and beauty of words—is very important to me.

Describe your blog for Psychology Today.

I’m not a psychologist, nor a self-help author, but I have a background in analytical psychiatrist Carl Jung’s work and often write from that perspective about dreams and how archetypes function in our lives. My last blog piece was about self-deception—a fascinating topic if ever there was one.

What’s your favorite quote?

It’s from an essay by American novelist James Baldwin: “In my mind, the effort to become a great novelist simply involves attempting to tell as much truth as one can bear, and then a little more.”

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