Culinary Mementos

Epicurean Chronicles’ Tantalizing Snapshots

By Candice Wagener | Photographed by Sunny Frantz

What began as “just a hobby” completely exploded within a year to over 4,000 Instagram followers and a foodie sensation around Madison. And Epicurean Chronicles founder Chris Attaway is blown away by the response to her news and media site promoting all things food and beverage.


Epicurean Chronicles aims to give the full-fledged experience of the café, restaurant or event it’s visiting. Follow its Instagram Stories for a real-time log of fave foodie moments like Brat Fest and chef’s table dinners. Its posts give the total rundown on what to eat, whether to have cash handy and any other pro tips to make dining experiences seamless.

The company also provides content creation, photography, video and social media consulting and management, primarily within the restaurant industry. While some visits are intentional PR trips, many other spots are “just because.”


Attaway started blogging about dining out shortly after moving to Wisconsin from San Francisco. “One of the things my family and I love to do is to eat, so… even the first couple of months of living here, I felt like we ate through a lot of Madison,” remarks Attaway, who was taken aback when colleagues who were longterm Madisonians would ask her advice on where to eat.

Attaway and her current team of six writers try to visit spots together, allowing for varied feedback and taste buds represented. The EC team aims to keep the tone positive, too, but will give constructive feedback directly to management if necessary.


Attaway is constantly approached by foodies in other cities who want to use her platform and, as long as they agree to the EC guidelines, like maintaining an upbeat vibe, she’s open to the platform growing. There are already spinoffs in Milwaukee, San Francisco and Chicago. The goal, she says, is really about bringing people together.  Also be on the lookout for an EC app to launch in the months ahead. “We really want to connect everybody in the community through the one language that everybody loves—and that’s food.”

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