Over 35 Years and Still Loving My Job!

Laurie Driscoll Interiors Inc. boasts over 35 years of interior design excellence.

Building or remodeling a home requires thousands of decisions on design, materials and finishes. Every decision affects another decision. This can be overwhelming. When there are dozens of possible answers to every question, having someone with knowledge and experience help you find the best options — specifically for you — is very valuable.

Lodholz has spent the last 37 years partnering with clients through their building process and helping them create their dream homes. Laurie Driscoll Interiors has an all-female staff of five, who work together as a full- service interior design firm. LDI, Inc. offers design consultation and distinctive furniture, window treatments and accessories.

“My success comes from lots of hard work and long hours with a great family, great coworkers and wonderful colleagues and” clients. I am blessed.”  — Laurie Lodholz, Owner

Laurie Driscoll Interiors Inc. 

608.444.5523 | [email protected] | ldinteriors.net

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