Grand Greenhouses

By Annie Rosemurgy | Photo courtesy Wisconsin Greenhouse Company

Savoring a juicy, summer-sweet tomato in January or enjoying cheery blooms during a dark Wisconsin winter sounds like bliss. Better yet, it’s possible, with the addition of a greenhouse.

No longer a fixture just for horticulturalists, greenhouses have been reimagined as continuous living space that are added on to homes, similar to a screened-in porch but encased in luminous glass.

“When most people think about a backyard greenhouse they are picturing an agricultural scene or a basic hoop house,” says Jordan Hosking of Wisconsin Greenhouse Company. But these heirloom-quality glass structures are anything but basic.

Solariums add bygone elegance to any yard, Hosking says, and his passion for building these structures centers around extending the ability to enjoy the weather year-round, in a beautiful and utilitarian setting.

By trapping the radiant heat of the sun, greenhouses allow gardeners to grow flowers and food crops year-round. Generally, they’re about 30 degrees warmer inside than the outside temperature.

So, even in the depths of winter, intrepid green-thumbed clients can enjoy tropical blooms or the freshest lettuces for their evening salad.

But even more exciting is the expanded opportunity for indoor/outdoor living. A 16- by 20-foot greenhouse makes the perfect setting for a mid-winter dinner party or watching the rain fall with a cup of coffee in hand.

Just imagine the possibilities.

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