Join us for this FREE family-friendly event, where bereaved families and supporters can come together to honor and remember our babies and help raise awareness about pregnancy and infant loss. You are welcome to participate in any or all of the special activities we have planned throughout the day.
2pm Forever in Our Hearts Remembrance Ceremony
3pm Empty Stroller Awareness Walk
3:30pm Family and Friends Picnic (sponsored by SSM Health)
4:30pm Healing Our Hearts Tree Dedication Ceremony
We will honor our babies together during the Forever in Our Hearts Remembrance Ceremony. We will hear stories of love and loss, listen to poetry and special music, and say our babies’ names.
Together we will raise awareness during the Empty Stroller Awareness Walk. We encourage participants to walk with an empty stroller as a powerful image of the emptiness families are left with after a baby dies. Bereaved parents may also choose to put their baby’s memorial bears, photos, or other special items in their strollers as a way to honor their baby’s memory.
Connect with fellow bereaved families and supporters at the Family and Friends Picnic. Food and beverages will be provided for free to registered participants thanks to our generous sponsors.
All are welcome to join the Healing Our Hearts Tree Dedication Ceremony which will shine a light on racial disparities and create space to honor the grief of the Black community.
Learn more and register for FREE at
This event is hosted by the Wisconsin Grief Collective in partnership with the Alana Rose Foundation, Healing Our Hearts, and Mikayla’s Grace.