Cafe CODA presents the “Bluedays Tuesday Series”, hosted by Bruce Wasserstrom with a grooving house band consisting of Terry Galloway (drums), Joe Iaquinto (bass/vocals), and Steve Malin (guitar/vocals).
In the 1st Set (8:00-8:45), the house band will be joined by featured musical guest Meleo Robinson, whose music career has included recording & performing with Ronnie Laws and other recording artists.
The 2nd Set (9:00-10:00+) is a Chicago-style blues jam, where Bruce invites musicians to sit in with house band for a song or two each. Bring your instrument and a preferred blues song if you’re ready to play; drums, amps, and piano are provided.
Admission: $5 (Pay at the bar)
Show: 8 – 10 (10:30) PM
Door opens at 5 PM
#bluesnights #tuesdaybluesday #cafecodamadisonwi #blues